Post by MARIE , on Jun 12, 2012 15:10:19 GMT -5
this should be your first stop besides taking a look around. let me first start of by saying welocome to a beautiful life, and we are happy you are here! every site has rules and these were made by me, of course. these rules are what i see fit for the site and may be subject to additions, reductions, and modifications as i see fitting!!
when one applies for a beautiful life, we wish they respect proboard's terms and agreements when it comes to all rules as listed by them. especially when it comes to age. if i find out that one is younger than the requested age of thirteen their ip address will be banned and i will submit their information to proboards. there is a reasoning they ask you to be thirteen or older, sorry loves that are younger. wait until you're of age please!
when applying please, look at the claims lists first! face claims especially, because we do not allow double claims unless they are identical twins and there will be a limit to this, because we can't have a million sets of twins running about. being that this is a double life roleplay, as stated in the application one must look in the secrets claim as well. why? we don't want the same secrets circulating among people. let me clarify when i say same i mean there isn't going to be five to ten people with the same secret right off. we love creativity here, so broaden your horizons we know you can come up with something good!
the applications in and of themselves are extensive. i will remind you about the applications created by me what i am looking for, but its state here as well: i want complete sentence in first and third person. there is a traditional application and a interview application! they are both practically the same, but one is you speaking for the character and the other is the character speaking for themselves. a paragraph is five to eight sentences and we want them detailed. the reason for this is we want to know your character that is why there is an application in the first place. once you have created the character and it is approved there is not going back and changing information unless you are re-applying. this allows us to know your character and for things not to switch up mid threads. the applications state over and over again what i expect. i know you're not stupid loves, but i'm rather strict when it comes to apps, so that is why stuff is explained and restated. the day you have started your application you have seven days to that date to finish it or else it will move to pending. if you have reserved the play by you have three days to finish that application.
once you have completed your application please put the characters name as such: FIRST MIDDLE LAST (in all UPPER case letters). do not put images in your profile until your application has been accepted. sorry if you do not like this format, but it is the way we are doing it at a beautiful life. the reasoning behind not being able to put up your images yet, is due to the fact that there may be glitches with your application and we aren't saying there will be, but just as a safety measure we don't want you to go and search for pretty images until we have all sorted out.
first off, i would like to say this site is pg-13. there is no sexual content or violence allowed on this site, because this site respects the proboards terms of service agreement. please if you wish to roleplay such content out take it some place else (instant messenger, e-mail, or personal messaging). thank you!
there is cursing allowed...however it must be mild and it may not be every word. in reality, some people may speak with excessive profane vocabulary, but here we do not allow it! the occasional curse word being dispersed is alright, but remember the tos and the rating of the site! thank you.
all threads are to be done in third person! there will be no threads in first person, and the only places first person is allowed is when the traditional application is being done or you are playing a game. do not let me catch you doing otherwise, please!
when it comes to images, please keep your images respectful! meaning their will be no nudity i will ban you for a period of two days if i find the character is in their birthday suit. remember pg-13! the icons are allowed to be 150 x 200 at max! all signatures at maximum are allowed to be 500x300. do not exceed this limit on either or i will take them out of your profile and pm you with a warning!
well, i didn't used to believe in words counts, but now as i've progressed i do. the word count for a beautiful life at its minimum is three hundred words. this is not so hard to do even for new roleplayers. there will be no one liners on this site and you will use complete sentences in paragraph form. we do understand when there are off moments we won't penalize you for a couple slip ups on the word count, but you need to stay as close to it as possible and not make it a habit to have less then what is required of you.
all major themed content, must come through one of the admins here at a beautiful life. if we say no we mean it. sorry, but we can't have seventeen rape victims, twenty people getting beat by their parents, ten pregnant chicks, and so on. if you figure that the theme is major or even question it for a second then it is and you need to run it by us! i will put a stop to it if you don't have permission. sorry!
let me start of by saying there is no god modding! this means you don't say what the other person is doing and you can not say that she or he is holding your characters hand unless you get permission to do so from the person that owns that character. this is one of my biggest pet peeves! if you need a further explanation caution 2.0 is a trusty guide. if you feel that something is godmodding please do not pick a fight with the other members. pm us with your concern we will check it out and handle the matter.
applications can be posted if you are working on them still. we would like to see what you're getting done. however, you have a week from the date when you first posted the app to complete it. you must state that it is a work in progress when you post it (in the title) and meet this requirement that or we will move it to the pending section and if someone gets the play by before you we are sorry, but it is only fair.
please, do not join this site and make a character if you're not serious about the site. we like to plot with people, but when you come on and sign up, get accepted and disappear...well its just a waste of your time and ours. we understand if something major happens, but you need to try and get a hold of one of the admins or post in the absence box. though please don't apply and just post up an absence message. the only way this is acceptable is if you're a senior and you're graduating or you're finishing up college for the semester. we respect that, but if you're going away for the whole summer and can't be on...yeah we'd love to have you on the site, but when you have time and are back apply with us then(:
mary sues and gary sues. we don't accept the sue family. their is no perfect character only characters that try and act perfect. please don't even try and apply with a perfect character we will deny you flat out. sorry, this may seem rude, but this is a reality roleplay site and no one is perfect in real life and there will be nobody here that is perfect. this totally contradicts what the whole site is even about.
speaking of the secret lives. it is not okay to try and apply with someone with powers or anything of extreme abnormalities. i will deny you this is a real life site and it is not allowed. i get its people leading secret lives all in one town and that isn't really normal in and of itself, but that is what a beautiful life is about. adding to this a little. your characters are not allowed anything with supernatural imaging. therefore if you are using hayden from heros, please do not use any imaging expressing her powers. if you are using emma watson, i do not want to see her in her harry potter uniform, holding a wand, or doing magic. that is not allowed here, and i'm sure you get the picture by now.
there is a character limit of ten. however, if i feel that you can't handle ten i will deny you of this privilege. there is a two to one girl, boy ratio. however, we would like if you applied in girl, boy, girl, boy order, but we do not require you to do so. for every two girls you MUST have a boy. no exceptions! you are not allowed to make a character and not use them because you like the playby. i am watching your post count and if i deem it necessary i will in fact give you a count to reach with that member you applied with. if you fail to meet the count that character will be deleted. belle, has a a lower limit of eight total characters. she's at her limit and will not be granted anymore characters, sorry belle if you see a wanted ad or think of another character, but i deem this as a fit limit for you. please, do not beg a member to take your wanted ad. you can ask them to look at it, but if i find out you're begging i won't accept their application. making a character is supposed to be about having fun with that specific character. some people take characters to be nice, but have no general need or want for the character. do not be afraid to say no to a person if you're in this situation. i know we all have those people we die for our character to have...but respect people and do not push them into anything. being that there is a not! i repeat do not apply under another name so you can have more than the limit. if i find out you're doing this i will ban you from a beautiful life.
chat boxes
there are two chat boxes for a beautiful life, in character and out of character. these boxes will be respected as follows!
you will be respectful of my out of character chat box! this is what we use to invite people to join us or talk among members on the site! if i feel you are being rude i will warn you and then i will not hesitate to ban you from the box, because it is a privilege and not a right.
you will not advertise in my box! if you're linking your name to your site or another site you are on. i will ban you from the box. that is very rude and not the place to be doing it.
if you are a guest/member bashing any other member/site or our site. you will not only be banned from the box, but from a beautiful life. save the drama for high school. this is about a fun pass time we are all here to enjoy!
there is no spamming the box. i'm sorry, but that is annoying and not allowed. it does not reflect good on the site and unless otherwise important information i shouldn't see your name in there more than maybe four times in a row at the very most!
i can not say this enough. act mature and respect this chat box! respect...respect...respect!
first of all, in character chat is not a right. you are not allowed in this chat box with your character when you first join the site until you have a active thread. this means thread not an aim, posted in a game, posted your application, or are texting someone in the cell phone department. a thread, thread where your character is interacting with another person. this means you should have a total of two posts within that thread. that is what makes it active. if i see you in the box before this i will warn you, delete your posts in the box, and hope that you understand why i am doing this and do not progress to not follow this rule.
no major plots are to take place while two people are chatting. in the in character chat box you can play games such as truth or dare, twenty questions, never have i ever, but if it requires your character to do something that has them busy (and they can't use their hands) please don't continue to have them type. that is not realistic. allow them enough time to accomplish said task.
out of character is allowed, but not excessively and must be in "()" or "[]" when in the icc box. no full conversations. that is what instant messenger or the out of the character chat box is for. we even have a discussions board. utilize the appropriate locations.
if you don't like a particular character, do not have your character excessively bash that character in the icc-box. if your character doesn't like a particular character do not have your character continuously bashing. have your character block that character, but remember who you block, because you can't talk to that person in character unless you unblock them
please, put up an icon of your character, but do not constantly change it through out their duration in the box. we want to see their face, but not every icon you like or known to man with their face in it. please, put their name and or nickname, but make sure people know who the character is or have them introduce themselves upon being asked. there is no batman, spideman, or superman in the chat(icons/names) unless one is temporarily playing a joke. they are not allowed throughout the duration of your character being in the chat room.
i am going to keep this simple. i will give warnings, but if you break my rules i will take actions. if you steal stuff from other members i will take action! if something is not approved by me or my staff. i will take action. so please just respect my rules, because i do not want to have to warn you, suspend you, or ban you. all of the possible actions that may be considered punishment on a beautiful life, because we don't like to do those things. we want you to have fun, but we want you to remember that rules are made for a reason. please don't be a lost puppy. if i feel you haven't read my rules, i will pend your application or ask you to re-read and become familiar. the code word is what i asked you not to be two sentences ago, but it is subject to change when activity checks are being made.